Science Impact and PESO

Science Impact and PESO

To attend this meeting, sign up for a Zoom link here

Time: Tuesday, June 20, 2023, 3 - 4:30 pm ET

Topic: Science Impact via Leadership Software Investment: A Holistic, Collaborative Approach from the PESO Project

Description: The US Exascale Computing Project (ECP) elevated the degree of collaboration across DOE labs, universities, US industry, other US agencies and beyond, to address the challenge of producing a new generation of applications, libraries, tools, and processes that unlocked the performance and scientific potential of DOE Exascale computing systems.

The legacy of ECP must include efforts to increase the impact of ECP investments on many more scientific problems within DOE and outside. A critical element to this success is robustly building on the collaborative efforts that established the libraries and tools that were essential to ECP success. The ecosystem composed from these libraries and tools must be further supported, expanded, and leveraged to realize the scientific impact of Exascale systems and their successors.

The PESO team will give an overview of our plan for post-ECP software-ecosystem sustainment, an update on current activities, and welcome questions and comments from the community. While our efforts are informed by the PESO team ECP experiences, the PESO approach is notably different from ECP, emphasizing peer collaboration vs. hierarchy, leveraging institutional finance and process infrastructure vs. a parallel and separate project-specific approach, a dynamic application engagement strategy vs. a focus on pre-defined apps, broader engagement with industry and other agencies, and more. All of our efforts will be conducted upon a foundation of a diverse and inclusive community that provides compelling and stable career paths for all community members.

All community members are welcome to join this event. Please help us create a plan that leads to post-ECP software-ecosystem sustainment success.

  • PESO Overview

Panelists: The PESO Leadership Team

Why attend: To learn about the PESO post-ECP software-ecosystem sustainment project and current progress. To provide input, ask questions and make comments.

Slides: PESOMeeting1.pdf

Video: Zoom Recording