PESO Collaboration Strategy
Through the above collaborations, PESO proposes to provide the following:
- Software stacks and infrastructure that provide software teams with testing, hardening, integration, distribution, and intermediate user support of their product, either as the final destination for their product, an early-access staging environment for pre-release versions of their product, or both. Specific support includes:
- Spack: Assistance in creating and expanding Spack capabilities for product build, testing, integration, and distribution.
- E4S: Support for product integration and distribution in the Extreme-scale Scientific Software Stack (E4S) as needed depending on a product team’s distribution strategy.
- CI: Continuous integration testing on a variety of commodity and emerging target vendor hardware/software stacks.
- Software quality improvement: Assistance to improve product compatibility with E4S community policies.
- Opportunities for software teams and communities to engage with stakeholders from DOE, vendors, application communities, cross-lab management, and more.
- An annual all-teams workshop that brings together product teams, stakeholders, and other key parties for planning and coordination.
PESO welcomes engagement with software teams and communities:
- Individual product teams: We welcome the involvement of individual teams whose products would benefit DOE application users and facilities. While individual teams are welcome, we encourage each product team to also participate in a product community of compatible and complementary products to further enhance their activities.
- Software product communities: PESO welcomes engagement from new and established software product communities. Each community should work with its member product teams to define community policies that drive quality expectations. If community product teams intend to use E4S for any kind of distribution, these policies should encompass E4S community policies and, as needed, relevant adaptations of these policies. Software product communities can come in many forms. We anticipate that the so-called Software Development Kits (SDKs) presently part of the ECP will be a starting point for product communities after ECP. We also expect new product communities to emerge, for example, in AI/ML for science. PESO intends to interact with product communities on a variety of important topics, including:
- Assuring representation of important products in their chosen domain, possibly including vendor products that interact strongly with DOE-developed products
- Governance structures that enable representation from member product teams and community stakeholders
- Processes for on-ramping and off-ramping products as demands change, while still respecting sustainability requirements
- Sustainability strategies that include hardening new features and delivering stable features to their designated support organization (e.g., LLVM, vendor stack, E4S, etc)
- Communities of practice: PESO welcomes engagement with cross-cutting communities of practice (CoPs) that are organized around important software development and use concerns. Examples include:
- Research software engineering training (e.g., IDEAS, HPC Best Practices webinars)
- Community outreach (e.g., efforts based on the Center for Scientific Collaboration and Community Engagement (CSCCE) strategies)
- Software foundations (e.g., NumFOCUS, Linux Foundation)
- Workforce development (e.g., US RSE, BSSw Fellows, and Sustainable Research Pathways)
We anticipate that CoP teams will offer opportunities for product communities and teams to participate in organized activities where team participation is funded by their institution and project funds.
PESO welcomes engagement with stakeholders and partners:
- Application teams: Through regular planning and interaction, PESO and its software community teams will engage with application teams who depend upon DOE-sponsored libraries and tools. PESO will coordinate the delivery of capabilities via E4S, container, cloud and facilities environments to assure that application teams have access to the products they need in a variety of settings.
- DOE Computing Facilities: Through regular planning and interaction, PESO intends to work with facilities staff to provide and support a full stack of DOE-sponsored libraries and tools via E4S, in collaboration with commercial E4S partners. PESO will coordinate with the DOE-sponsored software team to assure that teams are informed of user and facility needs. We anticipate annual planning cycles with change management during cycles.
- Computer system vendors: PESO anticipates a variety of vendor engagements to assure that DOE-sponsor libraries and tools are available and supported as part of or as complementary to vendor software.
- Commercial software providers: PESO anticipates working with commercial providers in the co-development and support of DOE-sponsored software to industry, US agencies, and international partners.
- US Agencies: PESO anticipates collaborating with other US agencies on making DOE-sponsored software available to their users and assuring compatibility with their own software environments.